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Rename SharePoint MySite Blog
Created: 16.11.2013
Categories: SharePoint 2013; SharePoint Development; PowerShell

Want to rename your MySite blogs using PowerShell since all MySite blog names are "Blog"?

# URL to your MySite web application
$MySiteWebUrl = ""
# where to find users in the AD
# required if server domain and user domain are different
# required if server language is English and
# MySite language is different
$culture = "de-DE"

$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication -identity $MySiteWebUrl
[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture =
foreach ($site in $webapp.Sites)
  # Get Active Directory Information
  $login = $site.Owner.LoginName
  if ($login.contains("\"))
    $login = $login.substring($login.indexof("\") + 1)
  $ldapfilter = "(SamAccountName=" + $login + ")"
  $aduser = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $ldapfilter
    -SearchBase $searchbase -Server $dc
  $displayName = $aduser.GivenName + " " + $aduser.Surname
  if ($displayName -eq " ")
    $displayName = $site.owner.DisplayName
  if ($site.RootWeb.WebTemplate -eq "SPSPERS") # ignore MySite host
    # more sophisticated approach is possible but
    # I'm not sure about the blog URL
    foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs)
      if (($web.WebTemplate -eq "BLOG") -and
        ($web.Title -eq "Blog"))
        $title = "Blog von " + $displayName
        $web.Title = $title

If you don't set the culture SharePoint changes to English title only.

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