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Nintex - Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups
Created: 22.11.2020
Categories: SharePoint 2016; SharePoint 2019; Nintex

In order to retrieve all members in aSharePoint group (including AD groups) you must follow these steps:
- get members of the SharePoint group using a SharePoint web service; result in an XML
- collect information about these group members
Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Web Service call using UserGroup.asmx:
Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

3 tasks which evaluate the XML result using these XPath values:

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Test result (for each item):
- get login name
- get information wether item is a active directory domain group (IsDomainGroup):

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Switch: if item is a group start a LDAP query.

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Preparation (get login name only):

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

LDAP query:

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

LDAP query Value:

Recursive LDAP query Value:
(you have to get the distinguished name first)

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups


Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

Resolve SharePoint and Active Directory Groups

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Fun with JavaScript and SharePoint: View Item Permissions
Created: 01.03.2020
Categories: SharePoint 2016; SharePoint 2019; SharePoint Online/Office365; SharePoint Development; JavaScript

Without any doubts individual permissions for documents and list items are a bad idea. But sometimes it is necessary. In SharePoint those individual permissions are hard to manage. With this extension you can see the permissions in the standard view.

Document Library:


Documents with inherited permissions:

Documents with inherited permissions

Documents with individual permissions:

Documents with individual permissions
Let me know if you are interested.

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Fun with JavaScript and SharePoint: QR Code
Created: 01.03.2020
Categories: SharePoint 2016; SharePoint 2019; SharePoint Online/Office365; SharePoint Development; JavaScript

Add a QR code to each SharePoint page using a JavaScript. If the user clicks on the button, a modal dialog pops up that shows the current url as a QR code.
QR code promoted action
Modal Dialog:
QR Code
Let me know if you are interested.

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Export und Import SPWeb with Workflows
Created: 13.11.2018
Categories: PowerShell; SharePoint Development; SharePoint 2016

      If you want to export and import a SharePoint site you can use Export-SPWeb and Import-SPWeb. In most cases these commands work fine.
  If you have SharePoint Designer Workflows in this site, SharePoint adds a folder called "Workflows" and sometime this folder has a property
  called "docid_msft_hier_listid_validate" and a value which is invalid during the import.
  German error message:
  Import-SPWeb : Von der Zeichenfolge dargestellte DateTime liegt außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs.
  The following command changes the value and an import can be executed without problems:

$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity https://sharepoint/sites/PowerShellTests
$folder = $web.Folders["Workflows"]
$property = $folder.Properties["docid_msft_hier_listid_validate"]

$dt = Get-Date -Year 2100 -Month 12 -Day 31
$folder.Properties["docid_msft_hier_listid_validate"] = $dt


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Rename Internal Document Library Name
Created: 10.11.2018
Categories: PowerShell; SharePoint Development; SharePoint 2016

      If you want to rename a SharePoint library you can use the library configuration.
  If you want to rename the internal name you could use SharePoint Designer. Unless you have more than 5.000 items (which is a bad idea anyway):
  Server error: The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view treshold enforced by the administrator.

  But you can change the internal name using PowerShell:
    $url = "https://sharepoint/sites/PowerShellTests"
    $web = Get-SPWeb $url
    $lib = $web.GetList($web.Url + "/oldName")
    $rootFolder = $lib.RootFolder
    $rootFolder.MoveTo($web.Url + "/newName")


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Re-Apply Quotas
Created: 05.10.2017
Categories: PowerShell; SharePoint Development; SharePoint 2016

      If you change a quota template you have to re-apply the template. In this case it was very easy since all sites have the same quota (personal My Sites).

$wa = $get-spwebapplication "my site host url"
$wa.Sites | foreach-object {
  if ( $_.Url.StartsWith("my site host url/personal") ) {
    Set-SPSite -Identity $_.Url -QuotaTemplate "Personal Site"


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Empty Popularity Trends and Most Popular Items
Created: 24.08.2017
Categories: SharePoint Development; PowerShell; SharePoint 2016

      In case the popularity trends report and the most popular items report are empty you can check (and re-eanble) the event receivers using PowerShell:

      Get receivers:
      $analytics = Get-SPUsageDefinition | where {
        $_.Name -like "Analytics*" }
      $pageRequests = Get-SPUsageDefinition | where {
        $_.Name -like "Page Requests" }

      Check receivers:

      If the result is 0 you can re-enable the receivers
      (remove line breaks)
      if ($analytics.Receivers.Count -eq 0)
          Version=, Culture=neutral,
      if ($analytics.EnableReceivers -eq $false)
        $analytics.EnableReceivers = $true

      if ($pageRequests.Receivers.Count -eq 0)
          Version=, Culture=neutral,
      if ($pageRequests.EnableReceivers -eq $false)
        $pageRequests.EnableReceivers = $true


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Indent SharePoint Task using Nintex
Created: 09.08.2017
Categories: SharePoint 2016; Nintex

      Indent SharePoint Task using Nintex


      Nintex doesn't provide the appropriate field
      in order to indent a task below another task.

      - Create Nintex Workflow (in this sample: in the task list)
      - Remember current item ID in a variable
      - Create task within this Workflow
      - Remember new item ID in a variable
      - Wait a while
      - Call WebService in order to update new item
      - Voilá


      Web Service Call:

      Web Service XML:
      <Batch OnError="Continue" PreCalc="TRUE" ListVersion="0">
        <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">
          <Field Name="ID">SubItemID</Field>
          <Field Name="ParentID">ItemID</Field>

      Please replace SubItemID and ItemID by the corresponding
      workflow variables.

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