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Indent SharePoint Task using Nintex
Created: 09.08.2017
Categories: SharePoint 2016; Nintex

      Indent SharePoint Task using Nintex


      Nintex doesn't provide the appropriate field
      in order to indent a task below another task.

      - Create Nintex Workflow (in this sample: in the task list)
      - Remember current item ID in a variable
      - Create task within this Workflow
      - Remember new item ID in a variable
      - Wait a while
      - Call WebService in order to update new item
      - Voilá


      Web Service Call:

      Web Service XML:
      <Batch OnError="Continue" PreCalc="TRUE" ListVersion="0">
        <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">
          <Field Name="ID">SubItemID</Field>
          <Field Name="ParentID">ItemID</Field>

      Please replace SubItemID and ItemID by the corresponding
      workflow variables.

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